Man of integrity: A definition.

Daniel 6 speaks of Daniel, the prophet and King Darius’ preferment of him over others. We learn the following:

A man of integrity should be;

  1. A man of his word
  2. Faithful
  3. Says no to compromise
  4. Exercise loyalty to his spouse and principles
  5. Show proof by works that testify for themselves.
  6. Show Commitment to family and what he does. For example, have meetings with wife and family. Explaining to them his vision and progress thereof.
  7. Has authority over what he says. What you say, is what people see.
  8. Asks himself this question, does your family classify you with integrity?

In conclusion, we live in a world were man of principle, and their word, are getting scarcer and scarcer. Even in the church. This is a rallying call for us men to be filled with intergrity, in all our doings.

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